Sex Work

Since 1992, the administrative practices regarding sex work in Lithuania have become stricter. Legislation regulating sex work is exclusively strict – punishing both sex service providers and those using their services. Our analysis of the administrative regulations of sex workers reveals that they have been enforced less since 2005. In the larger Lithuanian cities, an issue of exceptional concern has been the increase in sex work. Engaging in sex work or receiving remuneration for sexual services can be charged with a fine of 300 to 500 Litas. If it can be proven that a person has engaged in such actions, the offender is administered a fine of 500 – 1,000 Litas or up to thirty days imprisonment.

The following laws are relate to sex work:

Article 307. Earning a Profit from Prostitution by Other Persons: (1) Any person who earns an income from another person’s engagement in prostitution or pandering for prostitution shall be punished by a fine or restriction of liberty or detention, or imprisonment for a term of up to 4 years. (2) Any person who organises or manages the prostitution or transports the person with his/her consent to the Republic of Lithuania or from it for prostitution shall be punished by imprisonment for a term up to six years. (3) Any person who earns an income from prostitution of a minor or who organizes or manages the prostitution of a minor or transports the minor with his/her consent to the Republic of Lithuania or from it for prostitution shall be punished by imprisonment for a term from two up to eight years.

Article 308 of the Criminal Code. Engagement into Prostitution: (1) Any person who engages another person into prostitution shall be punished by a fine or restriction of liberty, or detention or imprisonment for a term of up to three years. (2) Any person who engages into prostitution another person who is dependent on him economically, through employment or in any other way, or engages another person into prostitution by force or coercion, or deceit, or who engages a juvenile into prostitution in whatever way shall be punished by imprisonment for a term from 2 to 7 years.

Article 182¹ of the Code of Administrative Offences. Engagement in Prostitution or Remunerated Use of Prostitution Services: The engagement in prostitution or remunerated use of prostitution services is subject to a fine from three hundred to five hundred Litas. The same actions, evidenced by persons punished by administrative penalty for the offences specified in paragraph 1 of this article, are subject to a fine from five hundred to one thousand Litas or administrative detention for a term of up to thirty days. Note: A person who was engaged in prostitution shall not be prosecuted to administrative liability if he was involved in prostitution being dependent economically, through employment or being dependent in any other way, or engaged into prostitution by force or coercion, or deceit, or was engaged into prostitution in whatever way whilst being an underage or/and is a victim of trafficking in persons and is recognised as a victim in the legal proceedings.